January 8, 2022

Hello, Commander!

We know that many of the commanders in the Reta wars community are curious about our games and plans. In fact, many of the requests we received from the community were about white papers and tokenomics. And this is a very positive thing. Because Many statistics have already shown that users who carefully review and analyze whitepapers outperform users who do not.

So we’ve expanded our white paper further to provide more detailed information to smart commanders. Through this white paper v1.5, you will be able to observe in more detail.

  • Title: A cover has been created. The last updated date will always be displayed here.
  • Motivation and Vision: Many commanders will know that Reta Wars is a little bit different from other P2E games. Find out what the reason is and what type of P2E game Realital is aiming for.
  • Worldview: The worldview of Reta Wars has been added! You’ll learn the story of creator Reta, and why this never-ending war began. Is it empty because there are no illustrations? Instead, we are preparing a great teaser movie.
  • Reta Wars: We’ve added a number of pages to help you learn more about the game Realital is working on. and some vague descriptions have been changed to be more accurate.
  • Token Policy: This is the most important part of the white paper. To add your confidence in this update, we’ve supplemented the detailed description of each pool where $RETA will be allocated. For those of you who have asked how the ‘operating fund’ and ‘company assigned’ will be used, be sure to check it out.​
  • Roadmap: The content has been further subdivided so that you can know more about Realital’s development progress and plans.
  • Company: Yes, we are outside the unit of the team. Now we call ourselves Realital, not Reta Team. This means the team has become a company. This will have important implications going forward.
  • Disclaimer: Some people think the disclaimer is negative, but it’s not at all. keep in mind that white papers without legal disclaimers are more likely to be risky. This is proof that the producers are working in a safe environment with sufficient legal support.

Stay tuned for our changes and developments. Around the end of the airdrop, we’ll bring you some surprising and exciting news.

Related Game:
Reta Wars
Strategy NFT War-to-earn game where two DAOs compete strategically for revenue